Residential Propane Prices 

Learning About Your Propane System

Did you just move into a home that has a propane system? Are you having a propane system installed at your home? If you answered yes to either of these questions you need to learn all about the system. Knowing what propane is, the dangers of it, and how the system operates are all important lessons for every homeowner. Here is a little overview of the propane system at your home so you know residential propane prices.

Propane tanks for a home can be stored outdoors in the elements or buried underground. They should be a good little distance away from the structure. If they are buried then there will be a cap extended from underneath the ground. This cap should be shut securely at all times so no propane leaks out of the tank. This cap should only be opened when propane is being delivered to the property.

There will then be a gas pipe leading from the tank to the home. This pipe will be buried underground regardless of whether or not the tank is buried. When the pipe enters the home there will be a secondary pressure regulator. There will then be another gas pipe that runs from the regulator to the various appliances in the home that use propane. This can include the stove and any other appliance.

Every single appliance in your home that uses propane should have a proper appliance connector and an appliance shut-off valve. This valve is important to the safety of all those in your home. The valve can be shut-off if there is a smell of gas in the home to prevent a fire or an explosion. There is also a cover on the tank that should never be locked. If it is locked it prevents you, Mercer County propane companies, or emergency personnel from shutting off the flow of propane in an emergency.